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НОВОСТИ. События в Армении

Osteoporosis is a global problem: 12th Annual Osteoporosis Symposium held in Yerevan

Osteoporosis is a global problem: 12th  Annual Osteoporosis Symposium held in Yerevan

The 12th Annual International Osteoporosis Symposium was held in Yerevan on October 24. We were informed about this through our conversation with Varta Babalyan, President of the Armenian Osteoporosis Association. According to her, Professor John Bilezikian, from the USA, has a great role in organizing this symposium. He organizes these symposiums every year.

''Annual Osteoporosis Symposiums are very important for our fellow doctors as the information on the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis is updated every year. Not everyone has an opportunity to participate in such events abroad. That is why we organize symposiums on osteoporosis every year to make our physicians informed about the newest approaches''.

Օստեոպորոզը` համաշխարհային գերխնդիր. Երևանում կայացավ 12-րդ ամենամյա սիմպոզիումըAs V. Babalyan stated, these days the Executive members of the International Osteoporosis Foundation were in Yerevan.  

''During the symposium, there were many interesting reports which are particularly relevant to thyroid diseases and vitamin D problems''.

The President of the Armenian Osteoporosis Association underlined that physicians of different specialization took part in the symposium.

''Since osteoporosis is a multidisciplinary disease, thus its treatment can be carried out by general practitioner, family physician, gynecologist, traumatologist, neurologist, rheumatologist and orthopaedist. That is why we invite all specialists to participate in our events so that they pay attention to the patients who need it, examine properly and start treatment as soon as possible, to prevent the patient to get fractures in unexpected moments.

Օստեոպորոզը` համաշխարհային գերխնդիր. Երևանում կայացավ 12-րդ ամենամյա սիմպոզիումը Sergey Khachatryan,  RA Deputy Minister of Health, spoke about the importance of holding such events.

''Over the past 15 years, thanks to international cooperation we have made a great progress in fighting against such problematic disease as osteoporosis, and currently Armenia is one of the leading countries according to international rating. This in turn means that we have accumulated experience; we have professionals who can share and pass knowledge to our partners.

As a rule, this is a result of long term works. Indeed, thanks to some professionals, we have managed to reach a level so that the world has something to get from us, knowledge, skills and experience. It's been 12 years that such a big international conference is taking place''.


Օստեոպորոզը` համաշխարհային գերխնդիր. Երևանում կայացավ 12-րդ ամենամյա սիմպոզիումը
Օստեոպորոզը` համաշխարհային գերխնդիր. Երևանում կայացավ 12-րդ ամենամյա սիմպոզիումըDuring out conversation with  Dr. René Rizzoli, Executive Director of International Osteoporosis Foundation, he mentioned:

''Osteoporosis is a serious social and health problem around the world and that is why today's event is so important. It should be noted that one in two women 50 or older has a risk to suffer a broken bone because of osteoporosis. Fractures, in turn, lead to very serious problems, the quality of life falls.
Speaking of the measures fighting the disease, Dr. René Rizzoli pointed out:
''Appropriate preventive measures should be organized as soon as possible in all countries, so that an opportunity will be created to prevent the disease which in turn implies a change in lifestyle and diet''.


Օստեոպորոզը` համաշխարհային գերխնդիր. Երևանում կայացավ 12-րդ ամենամյա սիմպոզիումը Օստեոպորոզը` համաշխարհային գերխնդիր. Երևանում կայացավ 12-րդ ամենամյա սիմպոզիումը
Օստեոպորոզը` համաշխարհային գերխնդիր. Երևանում կայացավ 12-րդ ամենամյա սիմպոզիումը Օստեոպորոզը` համաշխարհային գերխնդիր. Երևանում կայացավ 12-րդ ամենամյա սիմպոզիումը


Dr. R. Rizzoli explains that fractures develop as a result of falling down.

''The role of vitamin D is vital in preventing fractures as a result of falling. Almost half of the population has vitamin D deficiency which increases the risk of fractures. That's why appropriate measures should be taken to get the population to receive adequate amount of vitamin D''.


Օստեոպորոզը` համաշխարհային գերխնդիր. Երևանում կայացավ 12-րդ ամենամյա սիմպոզիումը Օստեոպորոզը` համաշխարհային գերխնդիր. Երևանում կայացավ 12-րդ ամենամյա սիմպոզիումը


Highlighting the importance of the symposium, R. Rizzoli added:

''Definitely, organizing such symposiums allows us to share our knowledge, skills, all we need to fight against osteoporosis all over the world without spending too much money.

Concluding my speech, I would like to say that an invaluable work is being carried out by the Armenian Osteoporosis Association, in particular by its President, Varta Babalyan. A huge work is done, especially the activities in the previous few years has pursued three goals. Firstly, to keep people informed, secondly to teach physicians how to deal with patients and treat them, and thirdly to make the healthcare professionals always aware of the osteoporosis problem worldwide and in Armenia''.


Օստեոպորոզը` համաշխարհային գերխնդիր. Երևանում կայացավ 12-րդ ամենամյա սիմպոզիումը

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